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These are the creations that have found their way into my heart over the years. Most except for my books sat idle, lost in a drawer somewhere. With the birth of my books I decided to bring these out into the open as well. I will admit though I have many other creations still locked way, things not quite finished. Throughout this page you will see the items I have created over the years in my endeavor to help others. Many times I was filled with such self doubt that I was not able to release these to you. Now I am ready.

Now available thru Pay Pal for $3.99, no shipping in the US..

Capt. Mini-Aide was created to help students get a handle on how to care for minor emergencies after hours when their student health center was not available. It is surprising the misinformation that is out there in taking care of our health. This little book came about when I worked at a university student health center. We answered so many phone inquires regarding some of the simple things that befall the lone student away from home. It is a great help aide, and full of first aide tips.


Now available thru PayPal for $7.99

Next my friend and I created the Chakra Lights Meditation tape (now turned into a CD) as a marvelous tool to aide in quieting the mind, and opening ourselves to the healing that is around all of us, all the time. Our chakra centers are energy centers that balance and keep us whole. When these are out of sync we are out of balance as well. The out of balanced state can show up in our emotions or our physical bodies. Taking time to meditate and sending healing energy to these areas can create a sense of peace and calm in an otherwise chaotic life. It is my friend’s voice that guides you through your mediation with the tones that are said to influence these areas, as well as asking you to image being bathed in the colors that go along with these chakras. Her voice is the one you hear on the four minute meditation page. That beginning is the beginning on the meditation CD. It is a marvelous meditation whether you believe in the chakras or not. I have also randomly added a colored star to the sleeve of the CD. One that matches the color of one of the chakras. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white or indigo. If there is no star then the area you need to work on is the highest chakra represented by the color white. I believe that sometimes the universe gives us these little messages. Check out your star and see if it matches with the chakra that may be out of balanced for you. Drop me a line about what star color you received, and if it was an area in your life that needed a boost. Below is just the beginning of the meditation.

The next gift I have to offer is my wonderful book released several years ago on Amazon. I am so excited, and so proud that the words I put on paper have meant so much to those I have asked to review my book. It is a part of my journey through cancer treatment, along with my opinion on several topics included in the book. I think the title gives a good hint of what is inside. Cancer took my friend away before we found the courage to release our meditation tape to the universe. I survived my cancer experience, so if I can survive cancer, I can survive anything, even my self doubt. At this time my book is available only through Amazon. The great part is it is also available as an e-book so take a peak.

And lastly is the hardest story I have had to share. Haunted by ghosts for so long I finally had to put my story and feelings on paper. This is not a pretty story, but one that resonates the trauma that has happened to so many victims. The trauma of sexual abuse never goes away, it only haunts those who survive. May my story help those that have hidden in the dark as I had. And as I always say, have a great day today, you and I deserve it.