Hi, this Kris wishing you a great day today. It is lovely here in Kansas. I want to say that I appreciate everyone’s time and attention. If you are like me right now, I am running around crazy, motivated to clean and organize everything, thanks to our lovely weather.
I get this way when spring is near.
I am sure you have noticed the picture on my blog. This is a promotion for my new book that will be coming out in 90 days or less. It is a true story, and it is a sad story, but it is important for all of us to talk about this type of topic.
Rape and incest have been in the news so much lately. Sadly, when we hear about these types of crimes the blinders go down and we look the other way.
I understand that kind of reaction as crimes against children are horrific. We do not want to acknowledge that anything so awful could be happening, but they are.
When I think of the crimes committed against children it makes me sick. It makes me sad, but this is something that is happening in this country and around the world.
By writing my story I hope that it will help others admit to what is going on behind closed doors against our children, against young girls and boys, and against our young women.
These are acts so horrendous that people have numbed themselves to having any kind of reaction when they hear of these kinds of crimes.
We must not do that, we must help victims of rape, molestation, and incest.
We must give them the opportunity to talk about their trauma. We must open the door for them to speak.
Right now, I am giving you the cover to get you thinking. Hopefully, you will want to read my story. My book should be available on Amazon in 90 days or less.
I currently have another book on Amazon titled “Screw Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Take Action Now. The New Mantra.”
These two topics are especially important to me, very special. Part of my life. My desire is to share my experiences with others so if they are struggling with the fear of cancer or being haunted by crimes that have been committed against them, I would like my words to help.
If I could sit down with each and every one of you and have a conversation about both topics, I would accomplish my lifetime goals.
So, for today look at my blog page, think about the topics, think about your reactions, and send me your comments or feelings. Tell me what you think.
I will add your words to my blog as I get feedback, and the release date draws nearer.
I am sure after hearing from all my viewers we will have an extended discussion so be prepared for a long blog cast soon.
For today as I always say I want you to have a great day. I hope it is beautiful wherever you are. And remember that you can make it a beautiful day no matter what the weather or circumstance. Do not let things get in the way of stopping you from having a great day. You and I deserve it.